Thursday, November 30, 2006

£350 to ensure that I will, in fact, be home for Christmas

I am currently, as they say, swamped with work (as in, up to my waist in steamy, stinking marshlands of essays and projects) but here are a few bullet points so you know I'm alive:

- Another celebrity sighting last night, this time Kevin Spacey in "A Moon for the Misbegotten" at the Old Vic. I had second-row seats for £5, meaning that for the cost of a sandwich at a pub I was about fifteen feet from The Man I'd Have a Crush On If I Were About Fifteen Years Older. As it is, the man was born in my parents' decade of birth so I refrained from pulling the celebrity stalking bit again.

- R and I went skating again on Tuesday, this time at Somerset House which is actually featured in Love Actually. In true British form, there was no cheesy poppy skating music but instead classical which, as its name implies, lent a classy air to our hour-long skating time slot. This time the ice was completely frozen which made for a less wobbly, more enjoyable situation. (Friday's adventure was at the Natural History Museum and it was about 60 degrees outside which meant we spent a lot of time holding onto the railing and watching intrepid young men attempt skating moves way out of their skill range and wipe out fantastically in giant puddles.)

- Mold developed inside my butter, without making an appearance on the outside first. Just a little autonomous sphere of green that I discovered while making my favorite variation on British cuisine, Beans Near Toast. I figure hard butter's kind of like hard cheese so I just scraped it out. No harm done.

- At this time in two weeks I will be sleeping in my very own bed at home. Before that happens I must complete this 2000 word essay (I may shoot for 1700 and call myself concise), write another 3000 word essay (why oh why are these pesky Brits too smart to measure in pages so I can triple space and use size 14 font) and complete my part of a paper/presentation combo. Oh, and I've got another paper due after break but we're not even going to think about that one yet. But in two weeks, I'll be home and it will be Christmas and life will be excellent.


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