My own worldliness astounds me

Today our group went to Salisbury and Stonehenge, which was a triple pilgrimage for me: besides the obvious touristy reasons for wanting to see Stonehenge, Eddie Izzard does a bit about it and the Beatles perform there in the movie Help!, of which I held a screening in my room this evening to celebrate our new perspective on the world. I even [rather pretentiously] tried to figure out the angle at which it was filmed, with little success. I'm not sure the highway had been built in 1965.
We also lunched on Cornish pasties and I am curious as to how to pronounce this word. The woman who gave me my pasty said "PASS-ty" so I imagine I ought to trust the locals. Pasties, at any rate, are egg-glazed, hand-held pies with usually savory filling and usually all kinds of delicious. Given that I don't eat fish and I hate beer, so far this has been my favorite British food. And who wouldn't love what is essentially a Hot Pocket that has been elevated to deity status?
In the states, it's Columbus Day weekend and I'm missing out on our annual camping trip in the White Mountains. This kills me a little bit inside because I love me some Lincoln Craft Fair and Cannon Mountain tram ride. And so far I haven't seen any leaves turn colors here so these British leaves had better get crankin'.
Oh, also, while being awesome all over the south of England, I ran across a medieval toilet and was appropriately thrilled. Here is photographic evidence of my obsession with bathroom humor in all its manifestations.

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